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Back to the Future

Kim Smith
pubblicato da Quirk Books

Prezzo online:
-20 %

Great Scott! The hilarious hit movie from the 1980s is now a wild and wacky picture book perfect for kids of any age!

More than 35 years after its theatrical debut, Back to the Future remains a perennial favorite in classrooms and at family movie nights across the country. This story illustrated by Kim Smith captures all the classic moments of the film through fun and kid-friendly illustrations. Follow teenage Marty McFly as he travels from 1985 to 1955, meets his parents (as teenagers), and teaches his father how to stand up to bullies. Complete with a time-traveling DeLorean, a mad scientist companion, and a lightning-fueled finale, this is the perfect book for kids, parents, and anyone looking to go back in time.

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Editore Quirk Books

Formato Ebook con Adobe DRM

Pubblicato 24/04/2018

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9781683690245

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Back to the Future

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