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Base Camp Reno

Christopher Barile - Elizabeth Barile
pubblicato da Imbrifex Books

Prezzo online:

Reno: A Base Camp for All Seasons

Ideally positioned between the spectacular peaks and lakes of California's Sierra Nevadas and the vast and varied Great Basin of Nevada, Reno is an unparalleled hub for exploring the natural beauty and grandeur this region offers. The area's four-season climate combined with year-round sun guarantees that every day can be a great day to go exploring.

Discover the dramatic scenery and diverse terrain of ten distinct geographical regions with 101 hikesall within no more than an hour's drive from downtown Reno. Enjoy a trail through snowbanks or amble along a sandy path. Traverse sage-covered hillsides or walk through meadows of wildflowers. Stroll along peaceful creeks or ascend to craggy cliffs and mountaintops. With Christopher and Elizabeth Barile as your guides and Reno as your base camp, you'll find your perfect adventure, whether you have a few hours to spend or time for an all-day trek.

History, geology, flora, and fauna for each hike

Best hikes for each season, and where to enjoy spring wildflowers, fall foliage, and more

Ratings for trail conditions, difficulty, and suitability for children

Detailed driving directions to trailheads and info about parking

Regional maps showing all trailheads in each chapter; route and elevation map for each hike

Best hikes for kids, teens, and adults with limited ability

Elevation gains, mileage, average hiking times, and even calculated caloric burn!

Hikes by interest: waterfalls, rock scrambling, bird watching, petroglyphs, wild horses, and many more

How to prepare & what to take

101 great hikes to choose from!

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Base Camp Reno

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