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Batteries for every purpose

Thomas Riegler
pubblicato da vth - Verlag neue Medien GmbH

Prezzo online:

Our world is on battery! More and more devices we use every day be it smartphones to laptops, tools to electric bicycles and cars are based on off-grid energy. But which battery do you use for which purpose? What is the best and most gentle way to charge it? And what do you do when you need a replacement battery?

Thomas Riegler explains this and much more in this book, making you a real battery specialist!

From the content:

Batteries change the world

Battery basics

Battery types

New technologies for classic sizes

Series and parallel connection of battery cells

RC model batteries

Charging household batteries correctly

USB chargers

Wireless charging

Charging your smartphone correctly

Mobile phone batteries: Extending their life

Original or replacement battery?

Fixed or replaceable battery


Battery apps for smartphone and tablet

The notebook battery


Electric car

Dettagli down

Generi Hobby e Tempo libero » Giochi » Modellismo

Editore Vth - Verlag Neue Medien Gmbh

Formato Ebook con Adobe DRM

Pubblicato 06/07/2023

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 1230006611491

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Batteries for every purpose

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