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Calabashes and Kings: An Introduction to Hawaii

Stanley D. Porteus
pubblicato da Porirua Publishing

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Embark on a captivating journey through the rich history, vibrant culture, and breathtaking landscapes of Hawaii with Stanley D. Porteus's Calabashes and Kings: An Introduction to Hawaii. This comprehensive and engaging book offers readers a detailed exploration of the Hawaiian Islands, providing a deep understanding of their unique heritage and enduring allure.

Stanley D. Porteus, a distinguished psychologist and longtime resident of Hawaii, combines his keen observational skills with extensive research to present a vivid portrait of the islands. Calabashes and Kings delves into the origins and evolution of Hawaiian society, from its ancient Polynesian roots to its complex interactions with Western explorers, missionaries, and settlers.

The book covers a wide array of topics, including the traditional customs and beliefs of the Hawaiian people, the significance of the calabash in daily life, and the revered status of the islands' monarchs. Porteus highlights the impact of historical events such as the arrival of Captain Cook, the rise and fall of the Hawaiian Kingdom, and the eventual annexation by the United States.

Porteus's narrative is enriched with captivating stories and anecdotes that bring the history and culture of Hawaii to life. He explores the natural beauty of the islands, from the majestic volcanoes and lush rainforests to the pristine beaches and vibrant coral reefs. His detailed descriptions provide a sensory experience that transports readers to this Pacific paradise.

This book is an essential read for anyone interested in Hawaii, whether you are a traveler seeking to deepen your understanding of the islands or a student of history and culture. Calabashes and Kings serves as both an informative guide and a heartfelt tribute to the spirit of Hawaii and its people.

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Editore Porirua Publishing

Formato Ebook con Adobe DRM

Pubblicato 14/06/2024

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9781991312051

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