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Captain America: Steve Rogers Declassified

Dayton Ward - Kevin Dilmore - Marvel Comics
pubblicato da BenBella Books

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Millions of comic fans root for Steve Rogers as Captain America. Now here's their chance to know the man behind the shield like never before.

Get to know one of the world's most iconic superheroes through rare interviews, personal letters, declassified government documents, and more.

Experience World War II through Steve's own words. Witness his relationships with comrades and enemies alike, from allies like Bucky Barnes and Sam Wilson to foes like the Red Skull. Go inside Steve's internal struggle to find purpose in the modern world after being frozen for decadesand learn what continues to drive this enduring symbol of hope, courage, and justice today.

Featuring in-universe content as written by Captain America and his friends, allies, and foes from across the Marvel Universe, this new archival collection delivers an unprecedented glimpse into the life and mind of an American legendand is the perfect read for any Cap or Marvel fan.

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Generi Fumetti » Supereroi » Graphic Novel

Editore Benbella Books

Formato Ebook con Adobe DRM

Pubblicato 25/06/2024

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9781637743478

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Captain America: Steve Rogers Declassified

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