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Casualties of Causality - Peter Dahler-Larsen
Casualties of Causality - Peter Dahler-Larsen

Casualties of Causality

Peter Dahler-Larsen
pubblicato da Springer International Publishing

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This book offers a critique of the present status of the concept of causality in the social sciences. "The Causality Syndrome" consists of a belief in causal studies as more important than other studies, a narrow definition of causality, and rules of thumb regarding how to make causal claims. The book argues that the present dominance of this syndrome has considerable downsides and presents a challenge to social science. The book dissects the many interconnected ideas which undergird this syndrome and offers an intellectual home for advanced students, researchers and others who are concerned about the present dominance of The Causality Syndrome.

The book critically discusses whether "causality" deserves the central position in social science that its advocates desire. The text shows how methodological rules about causal inference are used to protect causal studies from critique, even in situations where these rules are not followed. It is arguedthat institutionalization of these rules as symbols of good and trustworthy social science is highly problematic and comes with a price. One of the casualties of causality is that there is less motivation to study complex and pressing issues in society which do not lend themselves to causal study designs.

The sections are short. The argument unfolds in a lively, engaged form with examples from many fields, including public health, evaluation and organizational studies. The case examples include classical experiments as well as contemporary research, e.g. studies of the effectiveness of restrictions targeting the spread of coronavirus.

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Generi Politica e Società » Sociologia e Antropologia » Antropologia: Opere generali » Sociologia: Opere generali

Editore Springer International Publishing

Formato Ebook con Adobe DRM

Pubblicato 07/11/2022

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9783031182464

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Casualties of Causality

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