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Centered Living

M. Basil Pennington ocso
pubblicato da Liguori Publications

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This look at the popular contemplative technique known as Centering Prayer is your key to a richer spiritual life. In easy-to-understand, non-technical language, internationally renowned author M. Basil Pennington combines testimonies of practitioners, updated guidelines, theological reflections, and helpful hints for teaching others in an exploration of all the essential information about Centering Prayer.

For millions of Christians worldwide, it is the experience of prayer rather than the words which constitute it that are most important. In its simplicity, Centering Prayer opens our hearts to God, cleanses the mind, and soothes the soul.

More than just a catalog of facts and practical suggestions, this book benefits even the most seasoned practitioner or teacher of Centering Prayer. However, the clarity of Father Pennington's approach also enables newcomers, Catholic and non-Catholic alike, to develop a firm grasp of the practice.


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Generi Religioni e Spiritualità » Liturgia, Preghiere e Canti

Editore Liguori Publications

Formato Ebook con Adobe DRM

Pubblicato 24/08/1999

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9780764861710

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Centered Living

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