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Chicken Jokes: 110+ Chicken Jokes & Riddles for Kids

Jenny Kellett
pubblicato da Jenny Kellett

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Chicken Jokes for Kids

Chicken jokes are the original form of laughter! Just a simple, 'why did the chicken cross the road' can leave kids and adults rolling round in laughter.

In Chicken Jokes and Riddles for Kids you'll find over 110 of the most hilarious, kid-friendly chicken jokes that will keep them entertained for hours. Here are some samples of the chicken jokes you will find in the book:

  • What do chickens serve at birthday parties? Coop-cakes!
  • What do chicken families do on Saturday afternoon? They go on peck-nics!
  • What do you call a chicken in a shellsuit? An egg!
  • Why did the piece of gum cross the road? Because it was stuck to the chicken's foot.

Laugh out loud to these hilarious chicken jokes and many more in Chicken Jokes and Riddles for Kids. Ideal for long car journeys or light bedtime reading, your kids will treasure this book for years to come. Scroll up and click Buy Now and start laughing.

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Generi Bambini e Ragazzi » Narrativa » Umorismo » Educativi » Animali

Editore Jenny Kellett

Formato Ebook (senza DRM)

Pubblicato 12/01/2023

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9798223776048

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Chicken Jokes: 110+ Chicken Jokes & Riddles for Kids

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