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Clairvoyance for Beginners

Alexandra Chauran
pubblicato da Llewellyn

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Discover your natural clairvoyant abilities and see the future of your love life, your financial potential, and your spiritual destiny. Even if you've never had a vision, Alexandra Chauran provides each step necessary to move from clairvoyant beginner to visionary expert.

Using practical and down-to-earth concepts, Clairvoyance for Beginners is an accessible introduction to developing inner vision. Through approachable exercises and examples, explore your dreams, practice meditation, enter a trance, discover psychometry, interpret omens, and read a crystal ball. Use the included symbol dictionary to give advice on career, money, and health. Learn the ethics of being clairvoyant, as well as many more ways to apply your newfound talents to helping yourself and others.

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Clairvoyance for Beginners

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