Neurology, a subject considered to be complex, studies the nervous system, and the disorders and diseases associated withit. Most medical students find it a 'tough' subject. This book provides you with an easy-to-use, comprehensive reference thatfeatures a clinical perspective balanced with relevant basic science. Inside, you'll find discussions of the latest research andhow it has led to a greater understanding of the cause of disease, as well as burgeoning tests and the latest therapeuticagents available. You'll find the practical guidance you need to diagnose effectively and provide an appropriate therapeuticapproach for each individual case.The book encompasses, within the covers of a single volume, all aspects of neurology withgreat skill and dexterity. This book is intended primarily as a text for students of MD and DNB Medicine as well as for studentsof Paediatrics. Besides, students of MBBS, DM (Neurology) and M.Ch. (Neurosurgery) as also practising physicians, who wishto have a deeper knowledge of the subject will find the book quite useful.