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Conceal, Don't Feel

Jen Calonita - Disney Book Group
pubblicato da Disney Hyperion

Prezzo online:
-20 %

The 7th installment in the New York Times best-selling A TWISTED TALE series asks: What if Anna and Elsa never knew each other?

As the future Queen of Arendelle, Princess Elsa's life is full of expectation and responsibilitynot to mention, questions. What type of ruler will she be? When will she have to pick a suitor? And why has she always harbored the feeling that some critical piece of herself is missing?

Following the unexpected death of her parents, Elsa is forced to answer those questions sooner than she'd hoped, becoming the sole ruler of her kingdom and growing lonelier than ever. But when mysterious powers begin to reveal themselves, Elsa starts to remember fragments of her childhood that seem to have been erasedpieces that include a very familiar-looking girl. Determined to fill the void she has always felt, Elsa must take a harrowing journey across her icy kingdom to undo a terrible curse . . . and find the missing Princess of Arendelle.

For more twisted adventures, try the other books in the A TWISTED TALE series:
A Whole New World by Liz BraswellOnce Upon a Dream* by Liz BraswellAs Old As Time* by Liz BraswellReflection* by Elizabeth LimPart of Your World* by Liz BraswellMirror, Mirror* by Jen CalonitaStraight On Till Morning* by Liz BraswellSo This is Love* by Elizabeth LimUnbirthday* by Liz BraswellGo the Distance* by Jen CalonitaWhat Once Was Mine* by Liz Braswell

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Generi Non definito

Editore Disney Hyperion

Formato Ebook con Adobe DRM

Pubblicato 01/10/2019

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9781368054171

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