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Discover sixth book in the gripping Will Trent series, from the Sunday Times bestselling crime and thriller author.

'Her characters, plot, and pacing are unrivalled' MICHAEL CONNELLY
'One of the boldest thriller writers working today!' TESS GERRITSEN

Now a major TV Series on Disney+


A woman is found brutally murdered in a sordid Atlanta apartment.

But there's something strange about this particular slaying. Her blood-soaked body bears a chilling similarity to a woman found dead almost 40 years earlier.

Could it be the work of a long-dormant serial killer?

Soon Special Agent Will Trent finds himself returning to the home he grew up in, and a past that could hold the clue to the killings...


Crime and thriller masters know there's nothing better than a little Slaughter:

'Passion, intensity, and humanity' LEE CHILD
'I'd follow her anywhere' GILLIAN FLYNN
'A writer of extraordinary talents!!' KATHY REICHS
'Fiction does not get any better than this' JEFFERY DEAVER
'A great writer at the peak of her powers' PETER JAMES
'Raw, powerful and utterly gripping' KATHRYN STOCKETT
'With heart and skill Karin Slaughter keeps you hooked from the first page until the very last' CAMILLA LACKBERG
'Amongst the world's greatest and finest crime writers' YRSA SIGURÐARDÓTTIR

Karin Slaughter, Sunday Times bestseller, July 2023

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Generi Romanzi e letteratura » Gialli e thriller » Gialli e thriller » Thriller

Editore Random House

Formato Ebook con Adobe DRM

Pubblicato 05/07/2012

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9781409038665

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