The book shows some models I've had great success with. The color pictures were done outside on my balcony where I set my card table on and set my two-color matting board for the background.
I used my Canon EOS Rebel, 35-80 millimeter or the 28-105 Quantaray lens. I used a Canon camera for all four books. You will see how the colors look with clear reception.
Simplifying the construction of kits is understandable through the written information about what you will need as far as paints, airbrush compressors, and a storage air tank are concerned and works best. A picture of this type of airbrush compressor is shown in this book. I ordered this compressor at Northern Tools. Modeling putty types are two-part epoxy or tube putty. Photographing works best with a 35-millimeter camera using a 22-aperture setting for close-ups. You can also get a 50-millimeter lens so you won't have to adjust the zoom lens. My camera has a single-loading rewind automatic motor. Then when you're done, you can send your film to a company to develop. I suggest you find a company that gives your negatives back with your order.