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Dealey Plaza is famous for many things, both locally and nationally. Considered the front door of Dallas, the park rests on a bluff near the Trinity River, where Dallass founder, John Neely Bryan, identified a natural low-water crossing in 1841. This ford was the site of Bryans cabin and was also the site of the first ferry and bridge over the Trinity River. Home to several Dallas County buildings and other historic structures, Dealey is not just the birthplace of Dallas; it is also the site of Dallass first large-scale city planning solution, a traffic diverting triple underpass, and a beautiful downtown park built in the 1930s. The park was launched into national history when Pres. John F. Kennedy was assassinated here on November 22, 1963. Today, the site is visited by over two million annually. To preserve Dealey Plaza and its surrounding buildings, the federal government designated it a National Historic Landmark District in 1993.

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Editore Arcadia Publishing Inc.

Formato Ebook con Adobe DRM

Pubblicato 15/07/2013

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9781439642320

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Dealey Plaza

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