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Are the promises of salvation made by digital technologies threatening to turn into the opposite? How can the various issues our societies face these days as a result of the negative effects of the digital revolution be resolved? Strategists, designers, engineers, researchers, journalists, philosophers, practitioners, entrepreneurs and artists present various solutions in this book. They all share a constructive view of the digital world in which we live today. Edited by Matthias Schrader and Volker Martens, the organizers of the NEXT Conference in Hamburg. With contributions by Virginia Dignum, Pamela Pavliscak, François Chollet, Stephan Dorner, Martin Recke, Adam Tinworth, Nika Wiedinger, Fifer Garbesi, Tobias Revell, and David Mattin.

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Generi Economia Diritto e Lavoro » Management » Competizione economica » Studi generali

Editore Next Factory Ottensen

Formato Ebook con Adobe DRM

Pubblicato 05/07/2021

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9783981871159

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Digital Fix - Fix Digital

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