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Earning The Raise With A Threesome: The Beta Gets Fucked In The Ass By His Boss While His Wife Watches

J.S. Lee
pubblicato da Charlie Bent

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When Brett's wife learns about his obsession with a threesome video that ends in the man getting impaled by an alpha male, she buys a strap-on and it brings new fire to their sex lives. Only a few days later, his boss offers him a promotion, but he's in such a trance from the fantasy his wife helped him play out that he can only stare at the man's cock... when he shows up at their home later, Brett realizes that his wife has invited him for the threesome of his fantasies and he loses his anal cherry to his boss while plowing his wife.

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Generi Passione e Sentimenti » Letteratura erotica , Romanzi e letteratura » Rosa » Spicy ed erotici

Editore Charlie Bent

Formato Ebook (senza DRM)

Pubblicato 15/08/2017

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9781370514045

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Earning The Raise With A Threesome: The Beta Gets Fucked In The Ass By His Boss While His Wife Watches

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