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Earth, The Gods and The Soul - A History of Paga - From the Iron Age to the 21st Century - Brendan Myers
Earth, The Gods and The Soul - A History of Paga - From the Iron Age to the 21st Century - Brendan Myers

Earth, The Gods and The Soul - A History of Paga - From the Iron Age to the 21st Century

Brendan Myers
pubblicato da John Hunt Publishing

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Philosophy was invented by pagans. Yet this fact is almost always ignored by those who write the history of ideas. This book tells the history of the pagan philosophers, and the various places where their ideas appeared, from ancient times to the 21st century. The Pagan philosophers are a surprisingly diverse group: from kings of great empires to exiled lonely wanderers, from devout religious teachers to con artists, drug addicts, and social radicals. Three traditions of thought emerge from their work: Pantheism, NeoPlatonism, and Humanism, corresponding to the immensities of the Earth, the Gods, and the Soul. From ancient schools like the Stoics and the Druids, to modern feminists and deep ecologists, the pagan philosophers examined these three immensities with systematic critical reason, and sometimes with poetry and mystical vision. This book tells their story for the first time in one volume, and invites you to examine the immensities with them. And as a special feature, the book includes summaries of the ideas of leading modern pagan intellectuals, in their own words: Emma Restall Orr, Michael York, John Michael Greer, Vivianne Crowley, and more

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Generi Mind, Body & Spirit » Occultism   , Philosophy » General & Miscellaneous

Editore John Hunt Publishing

Formato Paperback / softback

Pubblicato 29/11/2013

Pagine 326

Lingua Inglese

Isbn o codice id 9781780993171

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Earth, The Gods and The Soul - A History of Paga - From the Iron Age to the 21st Century

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