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Eating Animals - Jonathan Safran Foer
Eating Animals - Jonathan Safran Foer

Audiolibro Eating Animals

Jonathan Safran Foer
pubblicato da Penguin Books Ltd

Prezzo online:

**To reduce risk of pandemics for ourselves, our gaze needs to turn to the health of animals.

From the bestselling author of the essential new 2019 book on animal agriculture and climate crisis: We are the Weather

Discover Jonathan Safran Foer's eye-opening and life-changing account of the meat we eat

'Should be compulsory reading. A genuine masterwork. Read this book. It will change you' Time Out**

Eating Animals is the most original and urgent book on the subject of food written this century. It will change the way you think, and change the way you eat. For good.

Whether you're flirting with veganuary, trying to cut back on animal consumption, or a lifelong meat-eater, you need to read this book.

**'Shocking, incandescent, brilliant' The Times

'Everyone who eats flesh should read this book' Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall**

**'Universally compelling. Jonathan Safran Foer's book changed me' Natalie Portman

'Gripping [and] original.** A brilliant synthesis of argument, science and storytelling. **One of the finest books ever written on the subject of eating animals' Times Literary Supplement

'If you eat meat and fish, you should read this book. Even if you don't, you should. It might bring the beginning of a change of heart about all living things' Joanna Lumley**

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Eating Animals

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