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Esoteric Teachings Of The Tibetan Tantra

C.A. Musés
pubblicato da Bhoomi Digital Apps.

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Esoteric Teachings Of The Tibetan Tantra
by C.A. Musés

This book is the first in a series of volumes of the proceedings of the Global Buddhist Congregation (GBC) that took place in November 2011 in New Delhi. This was one of the largest Buddhist gatherings ever to take place on Indian soil and was timed to commemorate 2,600 years of Sambodhi Prapti-the enlightened awakening of the lord Buddha. The delegates of the GBC adopted a resolution for the formation of a global Buddhist umbrella body; the International Buddhist Confederation (IBC) under the motto "Collective Wisdom, United Voice". The IBC is a membership organization that focuses on the common ground that all Buddhists share, while respecting the rich diversity of Buddhist traditions and practices. Bodh the GBC and IBC initiative were convened by Asoka Mission, a Buddhist centre in New Delhi headed by Ven Lama Lobzang. He has held various public offices including being the founder and longest serving member of the National Commission for Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes. He also runs Asoka Mission Medicare Initiative providing critical medical treatment to people from the remote Himalayan regions of India and Nepal.

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