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Fin, the Fish of Syllable Sea

Mags Pie
pubblicato da Mags Pie

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This funny little book is specially crafted for kids aged 4-5.

Let's dive together into the magical world of Syllable Sea and meet Fin, a charming little fish with a big curiosity for language and wordplay.

As we embark on an exciting underwater adventure with Fin, they we'll discover the fascinating world of syllables and word formation.

"Fin, the Fish of Syllable Sea" not only entertains children with its nice characters and captivating journey but also encourages them to participate actively in the learning process. Parents and educators will find this book to be an invaluable tool for nurturing early language development and fostering a love for reading and language exploration in young minds.

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Editore Mags Pie

Formato Ebook (senza DRM)

Pubblicato 02/08/2023

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9798223682448

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Fin, the Fish of Syllable Sea

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