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He Drank, and Saw the Spider - Alex Bledsoe
He Drank, and Saw the Spider - Alex Bledsoe

Audiolibro He Drank, and Saw the Spider

Alex Bledsoe
pubblicato da Blackstone Publishing

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Alex Bledsoe continues the adventures of freelance swordjockey Eddie LaCrosse in the thrilling He Drank, and Saw the Spider.

After he fails to save a stranger from being mauled to deathby a bear, a young mercenary is saddled with the baby girl the man died toprotect. He leaves her with a kindly shepherd family and goes on with hisviolent life.

Now, sixteen years later, that young mercenary has grown upto become cynical sword jockey Eddie LaCrosse. When his vacation travels bringhim back to that same part of the world, he can't resist trying to discoverwhat has become of the mysterious infant.

He finds that the child, now a lovely young teenager namedIsadora, is at the center of a complicated web of intrigue involving twofeuding kings, a smitten prince, a powerful sorceress, an inhuman monster, andlong-buried secrets too shocking to imagine. And once again she needs his help.

They say a spider in your cup will poison you but only ifyou see it. Eddie, helped by his smart, resourceful girlfriend Liz, must lookthrough the dregs of the past to find the truth about the presentand risk whatmight happen if he, too, sees the spider.

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Generi Romanzi e letteratura » Fantasy » Fantasy » Gialli e thriller » Gialli e thriller

Editore Blackstone Publishing

Formato Audiolibro

Durata 09:06.00

Pubblicato 14/01/2014

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9781482957259

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He Drank, and Saw the Spider

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