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Here I Am - Jonathan Safran Foer
Here I Am - Jonathan Safran Foer

Audiolibro Here I Am

Jonathan Safran Foer
pubblicato da Penguin Books Ltd

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Penguin presents the unabridged, downloadable, audiobook edition of Here I Am by Jonathan Safran Foer, read by Ari Fliakos.


From the bestselling author of Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close, Everything is Illuminated and We are the Weather - a rich and moving novel about modern family lives and the ties that bind**

'Towering and glorious: a tale of social, familial and marital breakdown and the End of the World. The funniest literary novel I have ever read' The Times

'A rich, beautifully written, ambitious and grandly moving novel, which looks both at the world at large and at the deepest concerns of individual lives' Evening Standard

'Lays bare the interior of a marriage with such intelligence and deep feeling and pitiless clarity, it's impossible to read it and not re-examine your own family' Time

'Astonishing. So sad and so funny and so wry' Scotland on Sunday

Jacob and Julia Bloch are about to be tested . . .

By Jacob's grandfather, who won't go quietly into a retirement home.
By the family reunion, that everyone is dreading.
By their son's heroic attempts to get expelled.
And by the sexting affair that will rock their marriage.

A typical modern American family, the Blochs cling together even as they are torn apart. Which is when catastrophe decides to strike . . .

Confronting the enduring question of what it means to be human with inventiveness, playfulness and compassion, Here I Am is a great American family novel for our times, an unmissable read for fans of Jonathan Franzen and Michael Chabon, a masterpiece about how we live now.

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Generi Romanzi e letteratura » Contemporanei

Editore Penguin Books Ltd

Formato Audiolibro

Durata 16:59.14

Pubblicato 06/09/2016

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9780141983325

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Here I Am

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