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Historical Records (Complete Translation):

Sima Qian
pubblicato da DeepEastern

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"Historical Records" was written by Sima Qian, the Western Han Dynasty historian. The biographical history book is the first biographical general history in China, documented on to the ancient legend of the Yellow Emperor era, down to the Han Dynasty between the beginning four years, a total of 3,000 years of history. In 104 B.C., Sima Qian began the creation of a history book called " Tai Shi Gong Shu " which was later called "", or "Historical Records". It took 14 years before and after to complete.

The "Historical Records" book includes twelve Origins Volumes recording the emperor's political achievements (""), thirty Family Volumes remembering the vassal state and dynasty princes (""), honors and dying, Seventy Fame Verses remembering the deeds of important people ("")ten Tables (chronology of major events, ""), eight Books remembering various rules and regulations, ritual, music, temperament, calendar, astronomy, meditation, water conservancy, financial use (""), a total of 130 articles, 520 thousand words.

The book is translation of full text of Historical Records, covering all contents aforementioned.

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Generi Storia e Biografie » Storia dell'Asia

Editore Deepeastern

Formato Ebook (senza DRM)

Pubblicato 02/12/2018

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 1230003097106

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Historical Records (Complete Translation):

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