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History Is Wrong

Erich von Daniken
pubblicato da Red Wheel Weiser

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Erich von Daniken again shows his flair for revealing the truths that his contemporaries have missed. After closely analyzing hundreds of ancient and apparently unrelated texts, he is now ready to proclaim that human history is nothing like the world religions claimand he has the proof! In History is Wrong, Erich von Daniken takes a closer look at the fascinating Voynich manuscript, which has defied all attempts at decryption since its discovery, and makes some fascinating revelations about the equally incredible Book of Enoch. Von Daniken also unearths the intriguing story of a lost subterranean labyrinth in Ecuador that is said to be home to an extensive library of thousands of gold panels. He supplies evidence that the metal library not only has links to the Book of Enoch but also to the Mormons, who have spent decades searching for it, believing it to contain the history of their forefathers. And what about the mysterious lines in the desert of Nazca that look like landing strips when viewed from the air? Archeologists claim they are ancient procession routes. "Think again!" cries von Daniken as he reveals the data that the archeologists never even thought to check. History is Wrong will challenge your intellectand maybe a few long-held beliefs. This is Erich von Daniken's best book in years!

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Generi Salute Benessere Self Help » Mente, corpo, spirito

Editore Red Wheel Weiser

Formato Ebook con Adobe DRM

Pubblicato 01/08/2009

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9781601637598

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History Is Wrong

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