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The crisp September air carried a chill that hinted at the coming autumn as twelve-year-old Bryce Knox made his way to school, eager to reunite with his best friend Eddie Myer after the long summer break. As they settled into their classes, a new face joined their ranks - Benny Willis, a quiet boy who quickly became part of their inseparable trio.

It was Bryce who suggested they revive an old tradition from the previous year - midnight gatherings at the local cemetery to trade ghost stories amidst the eerie tombstones. Eddie and the newcomer Benny readily agreed, and that Saturday night found them sneaking out of their homes to convene in the shadowy graveyard.

As the moon cast long, haunting shadows across the weathered headstones, the boys took turns spinning tales of haunts and horrors, trying to one-up each other with their ghastly narratives. But when Benny's turn came, a hush fell over the group as he began to weave a story far more chilling than any fiction.

With a voice tinged with sorrow, Benny revealed that he was, in fact, no ordinary boy. Decades earlier, he and his family had been traveling along the very road that led to the cemetery when a tragic accident claimed their lives. Their car had spun out of control, slamming into an unforgiving tree and trapping them all inside as the bitter flames consumed their mortal shells.

Benny's spirit, however, had lingered - tethered to the hallowed grounds of the cemetery where his body had been laid to rest. For fifty long years, he had wandered the tombstones, watching from the shadows as the world carried on without him while he remained frozen in time, a solitary ghost doomed to haunt the place of his eternal rest.

As the terrible truth of Benny's existence sank in, Bryce and Eddie found themselves gripped by a cold dread that had nothing to do with the autumn chill. The very air seemed to grow heavy with the weight of Benny's loneliness and despair, a palpable sorrow that hung over the trio like a shroud.

In the days and weeks that followed, Bryce and Eddie found themselves drawn back to the cemetery night after night, compelled by an inexplicable force to keep their ghostly friend company. Benny's tales of the decades he had spent in solitude, watching generations come and go while he remained trapped in the endless cycle of the graveyard, chilled them to their core.

Yet, even as they grew to understand the true horror of Benny's existence, a bond formed between the three friends that transcended the boundaries of life and death. They shared secrets and dreams, laughter and tears, and through it all, Benny's presence became a constant in their lives.

But as the years passed and Bryce and Eddie grew into young men, the weight of Benny's curse grew heavier. They watched helplessly as their friend remained frozen in time, his ghostly form never aging, never changing, while they continued their inexorable march towards adulthood.

It was on a cold, moonless night when the truth finally dawned on them - Benny's existence was one of eternal torment, a living death that would never end. And so, with heavy hearts and tears in their eyes, they made the difficult decision to sever their ties with their friend, to let him go and find what peace he could in the afterlife.

As they said their final goodbyes amidst the tombstones, Benny's spirit flickered and faded, a grateful smile on his lips as he was finally released from his earthly shackles. And though the pain of their loss would linger, Bryce and Eddie knew that they had given their friend the greatest gift of all - the freedom to move on, and the promise that his memory would live on in their hearts forever.

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