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How to Be a Professional Psychic

Alexandra Chauran
pubblicato da Llewellyn Worldwide, LTD.

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Whether you already have a natural psychic ability or you just think it would be fun to tell people's fortunes, this book invites you to start your own psychic business. Professional psychic medium and renowned author Alexandra Chauran shows you how to:

Polish your talents as a psychic

Learn to find and keep clients

Set up your own shop

Create a business that will remain successful in the future

How to Be a Professional Psychic also includes instructions for those new to psychic readings, as well as value added services and advanced methodology for more experienced readers.

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Generi Psicologia e Filosofia » Psicologia

Editore Llewellyn Worldwide, Ltd.

Formato Ebook con Adobe DRM

Pubblicato 08/11/2013

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9780738741475

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How to Be a Professional Psychic

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