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Let Inkspell Publishing's best-selling and award-wining authors tempt you as they share their favorite recipes and Holiday traditions.

The holidays are a special time filled with family, friends, and good food. As people gather, they talk about happy times, share stories, and pass on traditions to the younger generation.

Authors also share stories. Ones that come from their dreams and heart. We are bringing those togetherthe wonderful books that the authors have shared with you, and some of their favorite holiday recipes. These run the gamut from spicy to sweet (and who doesn't love a little spice?). But ALL are wonderfully delicious.

We hope you will enjoy these delightsboth of the food and book variety. And however you celebrate your holidays or gatherings, we hope you have many wonderful memories.

Also get a sneak peek at the amazing books by Inkspell Authors: Mark Love, Melissa Kay Clarke, Kristine Lynn, Libby Kay, Nicole Sobon, Liz Ashlee, Christina Rhoads, MS Kaye, Elsa Winckler, Julie Navickas, Phyllis Cherry, Connie Smith, Laurel Houck, and AD Brazeau.

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Editore Inkspell Publishing Llc

Formato Ebook con Adobe DRM

Pubblicato 01/10/2021

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9781953335814

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Inkspell Holiday Delights

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