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Is My Microphone On?

Jordan Tannahill
pubblicato da Playwrights Canada Press

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-18 %

In another life I was a small bubble of foam on a wave coming to shore, and the wave broke, and I burst, and that was it. Before that I was a small stream, for centuries. And in another life I was a mortal girl. Which is this life. After thousands of years, I have a mouth. So if you don't mind, Mom, Dad, I'm going to speak. I'm going to shout. When I become a human I'm going to use some words. Can you still hear me? Is my microphone on?

Young people have inherited a burning world. In this urgent and lyrical play, they reckon with the generations who have come before them, questioning the choices that have been made, and the ones that they will yet be forced to make. Is My Microphone On? is a play in the form of a protest song, in which a chorus of young performers hold the audience to account, and invite them to experience the world together anew.

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Generi Cinema e Spettacolo » Teatro » Testi e critica letteraria

Editore Playwrights Canada Press

Formato Ebook con Adobe DRM

Pubblicato 13/09/2022

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9780369103741

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Is My Microphone On?

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