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Jake the Fake Keeps it Real - Craig Robinson - Adam Mansbach - Keith Knight
Jake the Fake Keeps it Real - Craig Robinson - Adam Mansbach - Keith Knight

Audiolibro Jake the Fake Keeps it Real

Craig Robinson - Adam Mansbach - Keith Knight
pubblicato da Penguin Random House Audio Publishing Group

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For fans of Diary of a Wimpy Kid and Big Nate comes the first book in a side-splitting illustrated series from comedian and film star Craig Robinson, #1 New York Times bestselling author Adam Mansbach, and NAACP History Maker recipient and cartoonist Keith Knight.

Jake can barely play an instrument, not even a kazoo. And his art? It's better suited for Pictionary than Picasso. Which is a real problem because Jake just faked his way into the Music and Art Academy for the gifted and talented (and Jake is pretty sure he is neither). More jokester than composer, Jake will have to think of something quick before the last laugh is on him.

Featuring more than 160 illustrations, Jake the Fake is sure to bring the laughs with his hilarious high jinks!

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Generi Bambini e Ragazzi » Narrativa » Narrativa » Storie da ridere » Storie ambientate nella scuola

Editore Penguin Random House Audio Publishing Group

Formato Audiolibro

Durata 01:47.04

Pubblicato 28/03/2017

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9781524721312

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Jake the Fake Keeps it Real

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