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Japanese Costume & Makers

Helen Minnich
pubblicato da Tuttle Publishing

Prezzo online:
-18 %

With dozens of photographs and expertly written text, this Japanese clothing book is the authoritative guide on the kimono.

Japanese Costume invites the reader to explore the world of Japan's textile arts and costume decoration-from its origins in legendary times, through its brilliant development in the intervening centuries, to its emergence into the modern era. The book which is the first in English to present the full sweep of Japanese achievement in the costume arts, is essential the story of the kimono and its evolution.

The text is accompanied by a generous selection of fine illustrations and photographs: 54 in full color, 119 in black and white, and 12 line drawings. They include not only pictures from contemporary sources-such as the picture scrolls and woodblock prints- but also photographs of kimono masterpieces and representative textiles.

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Japanese Costume & Makers

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