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Legends and Stories of Ireland (Illustrated Edition)

Samuel Lover
pubblicato da Charles River Editors

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Samuel Lover (Feb. 24, 1797 - July 6, 1868) was an Anglo-Irish novelist, songwriter, and painter. Born in Dublin, he was privately educated. Declining to join his fathers stockbroking office, he became a successful portraitist. He also wrote some Irish songs, which became very popular. He turned one of those songs, Rory OMore, into a novel and a play. Other short stories, sketches, and tunes were published in magazines, including one he founded with Charles Dickens, Bentleys Magazine. He eventually resided in London. The Legends and Stories of Ireland is is a collection of Irish folklore filtered through the memory of the author. It was written before the Celtic Revival period, so the purpose was to entertain, rather than stand as an exact record of the art of Irish storytelling. Even so, ghosts, fairy trout, fools, pipers, saints and sinners, and other supernatural beings from traditional Celtic lore are featured in these stories. This edition of The Legends and Stories of Ireland is specially formatted with a Table of Contents and pictures of Ireland and characters from Irish folklore.

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Generi Romanzi e Letterature » Fiabe, miti e leggende » Classici » Narrativa d'ambientazione storica , Gialli Noir e Avventura » Romanzi storici

Editore Charles River Editors

Formato Ebook con Adobe DRM

Pubblicato 03/05/2012

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9781475302127

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Legends and Stories of Ireland (Illustrated Edition)

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