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Lost Roads - Jonathan Maberry
Lost Roads - Jonathan Maberry

Audiolibro Lost Roads

Jonathan Maberry
pubblicato da Recorded Books, Inc.

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Gabriella "Gusty" Gomez lost her mother, and now she's losing her home.

Gutsy and her friends, along with Benny Imura and his crew, have just survived a massive attack on New Alamo by the Night Armya mix of mindless shambling los muertos and sentient half-zombie
ravagers. She's also reeling from the revelation that the residents of her town were the lab rats of the biological testing facility linked to creating the most dangerous zom, the Raggedy Man, who controls
all of the living dead.

And the first raid was only a test. The real Night Army is coming, and this time, it'll be a handful of survivors against seven billion zombies.

In this thrilling second book in the Broken Lands series, the companion to the Rot & Ruin series, our heroes must confront immeasurable unknowns for a chance to move forward.

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Editore Recorded Books, Inc.

Formato Audiolibro

Durata 10:46.30

Pubblicato 03/11/2020

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9781980014614

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Lost Roads

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