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Managing Intercollegiate Athletics

Daniel Covell - Sharianne Walker
pubblicato da Taylor & Francis

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Managing Intercollegiate Athletics is the leading introduction to the management and governance of college sport.

Now in a fully revised and updated third edition, this book reveals the inner workings of athletic departments and the conferences and governing organizations with which they work, offering insider perspectives to help prepare students who are interested in pursuing a career in collegiate athletics management. Written in a user-friendly style, and containing real world cases, data and examples in every chapter, the book introduces the key managerial concepts that every successful professional needs to know, and takes the reader through the core management process and functions, from goal-setting and strategy to recruiting, finance and change management. With a strong focus on practical skills, the book also encourages critical thinking and includes interviews with successful practitioners in every chapter. This new edition includes a brand-new chapter on professional development and expanded coverage of ethical issues, diversity and social justice in sport. It contains new case studies and examples throughout, and has been updated to reflect changes to NCAA bylaws and legislation.

This is an essential textbook for any course on intercollegiate athletics and invaluable supplementary reading for any courses on sport management, sport marketing, sport fundraising, sport governance or higher education management.

The book is accompanied by updated online resources, featuring PowerPoint slides and an instructor manual.

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Managing Intercollegiate Athletics

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