BETTER THAN HALF PRICE 6 BOOKS, OVER 1,100 PAGES (KOBO has larger pages so smaller page count).
This compilation of the Mark Noble Space Adventures includes the full versions of the first six books totalling over eleven hundred pages Moonscape, Moonstruck, Trappist-1, The Spolding Conundrum, Cybernetic Tyrant & Deep Space Visitor and the latest book, Pristine Earth Sinister Planet. By buying the compilation, you get the books better than half price.
Mark Noble's Space Adventures are hard science fiction set in the near future. Expect the science to be realistic and believable.
The first book, Moonscape, is set on the moon when what appears to be an intelligent parasitic entity infects the occupants of the first Moonbase. Mark and his partner, Linda, discover that the remainder of the Moonbase crew have been taken over. It begins a frantic life-threatening attempt to escape back to Earth, but hopefully without any of the parasites with them.
The second book, Moonstruck, sees Mark returning to the moon with a multi-national team to recapture the moon from the original possessed crew. It doesn't turn out at all how they expected.
The third book sees Mark and his team head for the dwarf red star, Trappist-1, using a newly invented drive which folds space. What they find is more scary than anything they had previously discovered. When they come to return home, something goes badly wrong and they find themselves lost in the entiroverse created by the spolding drive.
Book four is The Spolding Conundrum. Our intrepid explorers discover the problem they encountered with spolding and have a plan to put it right. The adventure continues as they try to find their way back to the Earth from which they originated. In among these trips, they find more than one space folding paradox and something even more fascinating.
The fifth book hosts two stories in one. Cybernetic Tyrant & Deep Space Visitor. Firstly, the team have a tussle with an overprotective AI system back on Earth, but then spold to a planet which is experiencing the death throes of its sun. Can they help or is it all far too late?
Pristine Earth Sinister Planet, book six, contains two stories. In Trappist-1 the team encountered a pristine planet Earth and they return to explore it. Something on the world is capturing the researchers. What could it be? In the second story, they find a world which has suffered the same climate problems we had experienced on Earth. Their solution solved it easily, but what was the effect on the population?
This is exciting hard science fiction in the style of the old masters. Enjoy these six volumes at better than half price.