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In 1930s Paris, the "Butcher of the Dances" is on the prowl for young, loose women, and local dominatrix Agatha suddenly turns up dead. Everyone assumes it was suicide, but her sister Blanche is convinced that the Butcher is responsible. She decides to take matters into her own hands, and in her pursuit, she ends up hired into a luxury house of call-girls. She soon becomes adept at certain practices, but she does not lose sight of her ultimate goalto find her sister's killer. A suspenseful spicy tale as only the French could so lightly get away with, this work is deceptive in its depth and realism.

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Generi Fumetti » Graphic Novel » Storia, Attualità e Letteratura a fumetti

Editore Nbm Publishing

Formato Ebook con Adobe DRM

Pubblicato 01/11/2014

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9781561638895

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Miss Don

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