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» English » Lingue e Dizionari » Dizionari tematici, Enciclopedie e Opere di consultazione
Everbooks Editorial pubblicato da Everbooks Editorial
MONDAY MOTIVATION: SELECTED QUOTES AND WORDS OF WISDOM - GOLDEN QUOTES bring you a compilation of the very best quotes from the world's most iconic humans takes on "MONDAY MOTIVATION", including: Maxime Lagacé Ed Latimore Shannon L. Alder Marcus Aurelius David Goggins James Clear Mel Robbins Rumi Germany Kent Naval Ravikant And Many More! - GOLDEN QUOTES is a collective of passionate individuals that love to appreciate timeless wisdom compiled and compressed into insightful quotes. Our main goal is to infect you with motivation and inspiration to live life and engage with it at its fullest. - SOME EXAMPLES: Motivated people always find a way. Unmotivated people will always find a way not to. Ed Latimore - Even if it's hard, even if it's boring, do the right thing. Maxime Lagacé - I will never give up on what I love. I will never back down. I will never let go of anything that is important to me. Shannon L. Alder - In the morning, when you rise unwillingly, let this thought be present: I am rising to the work of a human being. Marcus Aurelius - We live in a world where a lot of people need goals, motivation and a lot of other words to get started. It's just a big excuse to not get started. David Goggins
Generi Lingue e Dizionari » Dizionari tematici, Enciclopedie e Opere di consultazione
Editore Everbooks Editorial
Formato Ebook con Adobe DRM
Pubblicato 16/11/2020
Lingua Inglese
EAN-13 9783969535998 9783969535998
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