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Mother Are You Sitting Down?

Jaime Baker Lowery - Lisa Baker
pubblicato da Drawbaugh Publishing Group

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Mother, Are You Sitting Down? is the true story of a mother and daughter's journey after facing life-changing news-an unplanned pregnancy-and the miraculous path God revealed to them. With one incredible turn of events after another, the Lord guides them perfectly with love and comfort, hope and joy, making the seemingly impossible not only possible, but far beyond anything they could have dreamed or imagined. This story will: · Give you confidence to trust God with your life and loved ones. · Encourage you to dream bigger than you ever have before. · Help you be aware of the ways God speaks to you. · Bring hope to your difficult situation. Although focused on this family's circumstances, God's supernatural solutions can help if you are experiencing financial problems, a troubled marriage, an eating disorder, sexual abuse, drug addiction-or anything that is holding you back from living a healthy, enjoyable life. Be encouraged to trust God with your life and let Him be the author of your miracle!

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Mother Are You Sitting Down?

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