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Much Ado About Highlanders - May McGoldrick
Much Ado About Highlanders - May McGoldrick

Audiolibro Much Ado About Highlanders

May McGoldrick
pubblicato da Macmillan Audio

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-20 %

In the heart of Scotland, this Highlander is about to meet his match in bestseller May McGoldrick's Much Ado About Highlanders.

Highland warrior Alexander Macpherson has lost his wife. When he agreed to take Kenna Mackay as his bride to advance his clan's power in the north, he expected a bit of an adjustment. He didn't expect the sharp-tongued beauty to run away on their wedding night. Still, Alexander wants his runaway brideand he has the sneaking suspicion that she wants him, too.

Kenna Mackay thought she was safe in a priory full of nuns learning the craft of healing, but when she is kidnapped by her own husband, the battle of wits begins anew. But even as passions ignite, a deadly secret from Kenna's past rises to the surface and put their new love in jeopardy. As a heartless villain closes in, two headstrong lovers find themselves locked in a struggle between evil and the power of undying love. And this time, Alexander is determined he will not lose his wife again.

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Editore Macmillan Audio

Formato Audiolibro

Durata 09:47.29

Pubblicato 14/02/2017

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9781427289827

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Much Ado About Highlanders

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