Lovingly illustrated bedtime story in two languages (English and Romanian) for children from 2-3 years. Accompanied by audiobooks and videos in English (British as well as American) and Romanian.
Lulu can't fall asleep. All her cuddly toys are dreaming already the shark, the elephant, the little mouse, the dragon, the kangaroo, and the lion cub. Even the bear has trouble keeping his eyes open ...
Hey bear, will you take me along into your dream?
Thus begins a journey for Lulu that leads her through the dreams of her cuddly toys and finally to her own most beautiful dream.
With printable coloring pages! A download link in the book gives you free access to the pictures from the story to color in. Carte de copii bilingva (engleza româna), cu audio i video
Lulu nu poate sa adoarma. Toate animalele ei de plu viseaza deja rechinul, elefantul, oarecele cel mic, dragonul, cangurul, i puiul de leu. i ursului aproape ca i se închid ochii.
Ursule, ma iei cu tine în visul tau?
Aa începe pentru Lulu o calatorie, care o duce prin visele animalelor ei de plu i la sfârit în al ei propriu, cel mai frumos vis.