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Naming Baby

pubblicato da Penguin Random House Australia

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Give your baby a great name! Naming Baby helps take the stress out of choosing the perfect name for your bundle of joy. It includes over 3000 boys' and girls' names, and their meanings, and provides lots of sound advice. How to choose a name that complements your surname. How to keep your relatives and spouse happy, while still ending up with a name you (and your child) will like. Ideas for naming twins (or triplets or quadruplets). How to choose a middle name. There is background information such as where to look for inspiration old family names, friends, literature and history. And there are lists of: the most popular names over the decades biblical names names of famous actors and actresses Shakespearean names celebrities' baby names unisex names plant and flower names. There's even a few simple pointers on how to avoid picking a bad name for your baby. Naming Baby makes choosing your child's name as easy as ABC.

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Editore Penguin Random House Australia

Formato Ebook con Adobe DRM

Pubblicato 07/05/2007

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9781742282657

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Naming Baby

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