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New World Order of Postmodernism in the Plays of Harold Pinter

Saumya Rajan
pubblicato da Partridge Publishing India

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The book reconnoiters the New World Order of Postmodernism in five plays The Room (1957), The Birthday Party (1957), The Caretaker (1960), The Homecoming (1965) and Celebration (2000) of Harold Pinter. With culturally structured, incomprehensibly manipulated, dual and fragmented characters, Harold Pinter analyses the ambiguities of political system. It is perhaps the System that forcibly drags Stanley to a world of systems in The Birthday Party. The situation of Ruth in The Homecoming clearly indicates the inevitable grip of this System. The last play Celebration overtly ridicules the very political system we approve of wherein the strategy consultants and the corporate people define the organized mechanism of this SYSTEM! The internalization of power which the power structures of societies and politics possess, appears largely in his plays, providing postmodernism its duality. Pinter offers us a true picture of our postmodernist culture an apocalyptic world at the edge of civilization.

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Editore Partridge Publishing India

Formato Ebook con Adobe DRM

Pubblicato 06/07/2018

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9781543702262

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New World Order of Postmodernism in the Plays of Harold Pinter

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