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No One Lives Twice

Julie Moffett
pubblicato da Carina Press

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An ex-NSA agent and a weathly lawyer must find a missing person in this cozy mystery rom-com by Juliet Moffet!

I'm Lexi Carmichael, geek extraordinaire. I spend my days stopping computer hackers at the National Security Agency. My nights? Those I spend avoiding my mother and eating cereal for dinner. Even though I work for a top-secret agency, I've never been in an exciting car chase, sipped a stirred (not shaken) martini, or shot a poison dart from an umbrella.

Until today, that is, when my best friend disappeared. So, I've enlisted the help of the Zimmerman twinsthe reclusive architects of America's most sensitive electronic networksto help me navigate a bewildering maze of leads to find her.

Along the way, my path collides with a sexy government agent and a rich, handsome lawyer, both of whom seem to have the hots for me. Hacking, espionage, sexy spy-menit's a geek girl's dream come true

Previously Published

Don't miss the rest of the adventures in the Lexi Carmichael series:

  • Book 1: No One Lives Twice
  • Book 2: No One to Trust
  • Book 3: No Place Life Rome
  • Book 4: No Biz like Showbiz
  • Book 5: No Test for the Wicked
  • And more!

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Generi Romanzi e letteratura » Gialli e thriller » Gialli e thriller » Thriller » Spionaggio » Saghe » Avventura » Avventura » Legal, Thriller e Spionaggio » Saghe familiari » Contemporanei

Editore Carina Press

Formato Ebook (senza DRM)

Pubblicato 24/06/2024

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9780369761095

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No One Lives Twice

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