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Numerical Semigroups and Applications - Abdallah Assi - Marco D
Numerical Semigroups and Applications - Abdallah Assi - Marco D

Numerical Semigroups and Applications

Abdallah Assi - Marco D'Anna - Pedro A. García-Sánchez
pubblicato da Springer International Publishing

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This book is an extended and revised version of "Numerical Semigroups with Applications," published by Springer as part of the RSME series. Like the first edition, it presents applications of numerical semigroups in Algebraic Geometry, Number Theory and Coding Theory. It starts by discussing the basic notions related to numerical semigroups and those needed to understand semigroups associated with irreducible meromorphic series. It then derives a series of applications in curves and factorization invariants. A new chapter is included, which offers a detailed review of ideals for numerical semigroups. Based on this new chapter, descriptions of the module of Kähler differentials for an algebroid curve and for a polynomial curve are provided. Moreover, the concept of tame degree has been included, and is viewed in relation to other factorization invariants appearing in the first edition. This content highlights new applications of numerical semigroups and their ideals, following in the spirit of the first edition.

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Generi Scienza e Tecnica » Matematica , Informatica e Web » Linguaggi e Applicazioni » Programmazione e sviluppo del software » Scienza dei calcolatori

Editore Springer International Publishing

Formato Ebook con Adobe DRM

Pubblicato 01/10/2020

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9783030549435

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Numerical Semigroups and Applications

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