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Olympic Stadia

Geraint John - Dave Parker
pubblicato da Taylor & Francis

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Olympic Stadia provides a comprehensive account of the development of stadia including but not limited to: developments in running tracks, the introduction of lighting, improvements in spectator viewing standards and the introduction of roofs.

Written by a world-renowned expert on sports architecture, the book:

  • Systematically analyses every stadium from Athens 1896 to Tokyo 2020
  • Provides drawings, plans, elevations, photographs and illustrations in full colour
  • Considers the fundamental changes wrought by the incorporation of the Paralympic Games
  • Looks at the impact on host cities and their urban infrastructure, and considers the long-term legacies and massive investments that Olympic stadia require
  • Explores the effects of the demands of the world's TV broadcasters.

An invaluable and beautiful resource for practical insight and inspiration, this book makes essential reading for anyone interested in Olympic stadia.

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Olympic Stadia

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