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Orion and King Arthur

Ben Bova
pubblicato da Tor Publishing Group

Prezzo online:
-12 %

Orion has fought across time and space at the whims of his Creators, godlike beings from the future who toy with human history like spoiled children playing with dolls. Orion has been both assassin and hero, all the while striving to be reunited with Anya, the ageless goddess who is his one true love.

Now Orion finds himself in Britain in the years after the Romans abandoned the island kingdom. Minor kings and warlords feud among themselves even as invading hordes threaten to sweep over the land. There Orion befriends a young warrior named Arthur, who dreams of uniting his quarreling countrymen and driving the invaders from their lands. Along with a few brave comrades, Arthur hopes to the stem the tide of barbarism and create a new era of peace and prosperity.

But Orion's Creator, Aten, has other plans for the timeline. Arthur's noble ambitions interfere with Aten's far-reaching schemes to reshape history to his own ends. He wants Arthur dead and forgottenbut Orion does not.

Orion will battle the gods themselves to see that Arthur fulfills his destiny. But can even he save Arthur from the tragedy that awaits him?

Orion and King Arthur is a thrilling new chapter in Ben Bova's unforgettable cosmic saga.

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Editore Tor Publishing Group

Formato Ebook (senza DRM)

Pubblicato 03/07/2012

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9781429947527

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