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Perfect Weapon

Amy J. Fetzer
pubblicato da Kensington Books

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-18 %

Danger In Plain Sight

Stay alive. That's all Dr. Sydney Hale can think. In one terrifying minute, her life was turned upside down. Now, the cops think she's a murder suspect, the government wants her to come in, and somebody will do anything, including kill, to get the knowledge only she has. Alone, she'll never survive on the run. What she needs is a perfect weapon, and Marine Jack Wilson just may be the answer to her prayers.

Jack has always been clear about who the enemy is, but now, he's not sure. Why is Sydney Hale the only survivor of a government lab breach? What secrets is she hiding? Why is the government lying to him? Jack intends to find the answers to all his questions, but first, he has to keep Sydney alive long enough, and if there's anything this Marine knows, it's how to keep moving and fight back. What he doesn't know is what to do about the fierce desire she awakens in him. With no one to turn to but each other, sexual tension explodes into a passionate hunger and a tender love neither can fully trust--or live without. And with the stakes rising, Jack and Sydney will make their stand, gambling everything they have on a choice that could save--or destroy--them both. . .

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Generi Romanzi e letteratura » Contemporanei

Editore Kensington Books

Formato Ebook con Adobe DRM

Pubblicato 09/10/2013

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9780758282569

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Perfect Weapon

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