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Practical Occultism: A Course of Lectures Through The Trance Mediumship

J. J. Morse
pubblicato da True Sign Publishing House

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"Practical Occultism: A Course of Lectures Through the Trance Mediumship" by J. J. Morse is a book that explores the realm of occult practices and teachings as conveyed through the trance mediumship of the author. The book offers a series of lectures that touch upon various aspects of occultism, spiritualism, and esoteric knowledge. Morse presents insights into topics like communication with spirits, psychic phenomena, and the mysteries of the unseen world. This work caters to individuals interested in delving into the practical applications of occult teachings and the potential for spiritual growth through mediumship.

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Practical Occultism: A Course of Lectures Through The Trance Mediumship

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