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Radiant Black Vol. 3 - Kyle Higgins - Laurence Holmes - Alec Siegel - Joe Clark
Radiant Black Vol. 3 - Kyle Higgins - Laurence Holmes - Alec Siegel - Joe Clark

Radiant Black Vol. 3

Kyle Higgins - Laurence Holmes - Alec Siegel - Joe Clark
pubblicato da Image Comics, Inc.

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Alien sword guy? Dealt with. Best friend? Saved. Giant space war? A problem for another day. With all the big problems handled, Marshall is looking forward to some good old-fashioned downtime. But the power of the Radiants won't stay secret forever, and as his personal life starts to unravel, Marshall will face a gauntlet of new foes that threaten to put an early end to his superhero career! Collects RADIANT BLACK #13-18

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Generi Fumetti » Graphic Novel

Editore Image Comics, Inc.

Formato Ebook con Adobe DRM

Pubblicato 19/10/2022

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9781534325654

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Radiant Black Vol. 3

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