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Ruins and Old Trees, Associated with Memorable Events in English History

Mary Roberts
pubblicato da DigiCat

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In "Ruins and Old Trees, Associated with Memorable Events in English History," Mary Roberts intricately weaves a tapestry of historical reflections and natural beauty, exploring the significant sites across England that bear witness to its storied past. Her lyrical prose captures not just the physical attributes of these ruins and trees, but also their emotional resonance within the broader narrative of English history. The book is grounded in a rich literary context, echoing the Romantic tradition of finding sublime beauty in nature while meditating on the passage of time and the legacies left behind by historical events. Mary Roberts, an eminent scholar and cultural historian, draws upon her extensive background in English literature and history, likely influenced by her deep appreciation for the intertwined nature of people and place. Her passion for England's heritage shines through every page, revealing how these remnants of the past continue to inspire contemplation and reverence. Roberts' previous works have often examined the intersection of nature with cultural identity, making this book a vital addition to her oeuvre. I wholeheartedly recommend "Ruins and Old Trees" to readers seeking a beautiful intersection of history, nature, and literature. This work is an essential guide for both the casual lover of England and the serious scholar, as it breathes life into the remnants of the past, encouraging reflection on the profound connections between history, landscape, and memory.

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Editore Digicat

Formato Ebook con Adobe DRM

Pubblicato 16/09/2022

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 8596547375913

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Ruins and Old Trees, Associated with Memorable Events in English History

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