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Sabal Palms After the Storm

Terry Overton
pubblicato da Ambassador International

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Elaine Smith and her friends just want to keep their small, beachside town of Sabal Palms as it is. They have enough to worry about trying to navigate Bonnie's diagnosis as a borderline diabetic. But after Hurricane Jada wreaks havoc on the town, the small, Southern paradise suddenly finds itself the object of a rich businessman's next big venture. And with the town in need of funds to rebuild, the community may have no choice but to accept the deal.

When Trent Fortune comes into town with a grand idea to make it a tourist attraction, Elaine and her friends discover that there is more going on with this business deal than meets the eye--one that involves the New Age religion. Determined to save their church and their town, Elaine and her friends pray for God to show them a way.

But when Divine intervention interrupts Trent's plans, Elaine finds herself mixed up in a business deal that could change everything for the community she loves. Along the way, Elaine will find again that God is always at work behind the scenes in mysterious ways and that big things can happen when we just trust in Him.

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Generi Romanzi e letteratura » Contemporanei , Religioni e Spiritualità » Narrativa d'ispirazione religiosa

Editore Ambassador International

Formato Ebook (senza DRM)

Pubblicato 05/07/2022

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9781649603555

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Sabal Palms After the Storm

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